Do You Teach Choir At Your High School?

Did you always plan to be a choir teacher at a school? Maybe you were in choir during your own school years and it was the best experience you had. That might have led you to majoring in music when you went to college. No matter the scenario, if you are a choir teacher you are more than likely always looking for new ideas that will hold your students' interest. Read More 

Watch For Signs Of A Headstock Break When You Shop For Vintage Guitars

When you collect vintage guitars and see an instrument that catches your eye, it can be easy to be so focused on the idea of adding it to your collection that you don't thoroughly assess it. Shopping for vintage instruments is fun, but you always want to investigate the condition of a guitar before you take it home. One of the biggest threats to an instrument is a broken headstock, and when an instrument is several decades old — and especially if it's been played a lot — there's a real risk that it's experienced this break. Read More 

3 Reasons To Go See A Ventriloquist Live

When you think about live shows to buy tickets for, you might think about going to a concert or a comedy show. You may have never seen a ventriloquist live, and you might have never thought about booking a ticket to one of these types of shows, either. However, going to see a ventriloquist show can actually be a ton of fun, and it's worth a try at least once for these reasons and many more. Read More 

Why You Should Repair Your Old Piano And Some Repairs It Might Need

If you've inherited an old piano from a relative and it's in bad shape, your first thought may be to discard it. Before you do that, you should consider having it repaired to a functional state. A piano from a grandparent can be a great heirloom to pass on to future generations, especially if it's of high quality. Here's why you should consider repairing the piano and some ways that can be done. Read More 

Things To Avoid Doing When You Visit A Guitar Store

When you visit a guitar store in the hopes of buying a new instrument, picking up some accessories, or just browsing, it's easy to adopt the mentality of a "kid in a candy shop." While this type of shopping requires a hands-on approach, it's ideal for you to keep some basic rules in mind that will prevent you from standing out for all the wrong reasons. Here are some common things that some customers do but that you should avoid while you're at the guitar store. Read More